With this charger, you have purchased a product that reflects the latest state of technology and
is safe to operate.
Still there might be problems or malfunctions. At this point, we want to tell you how to easily
remedy possible malfunctions yourself.
No function or
- Is the contrast properly adjusted?
- Is the device turned on?
- Is the power plug in the outlet?
- Check the outlet with another electric device.
The fan does not run
- Turn the device off immediately and have it repaired!
(regardless of whether
an accumulator is
charged or not)
The device no longer
- If the charger detects a defect fan, all programs are cancelled, an
reacts to any input.
error message is issued (FAN ERROR) and the charger no longer
No accumulator
- Did you observe the proper polarity of the accumulator?
- Are the contacts dirty (those of the charger and/or accumulator)?
Wrong or unlikely
- You changed the accumulators while the device was turned off.
values on the display
This leads to wrong charge capacities (C ) respectively discharge
capacities (D) and may also damage the accumulators!
ERROR display with
- MONO or BABY accumulators were inserted in slots 5 to 8 for
inserted accumulator
charging with activated POWER mode: Insert these accumulator
types into slots 1 to 4.
- Accumulator voltage is too high (poss. battery inserted)
- The accumulator voltage is too low (defect accumulator)
- Deep-discharge accumulator discharged with DISCHARGE or
- Hardware detection error of the device: load a functioning accu-
mulator in the same slot. If the error occurs again, send the
device in for repair.
Immediate READY
- deep discharge accumulator: abandon charging to protect the
display with the
or immediate start of
charging with the
program CHECK.
Low charge capacity (C ) - Treat the accumulator with the ALIVE program. If the charge
although the accumulator
capacity C is still too low then, the accumulator is defect.
was discharged
EMV impulses,
- No display or display does not react:
electrostatic discharge
Turn the device off and on again on the mains switch
= ESD, surge impulse
- Error display: the hardware detection for the protection of the
or line-conducted
accumulator kicked in: Take out the accumulator, reinsert it and
disturbance resistance
enter the program
Housing heats up
- The high capacity output of the device leads to the heating of the
housing top and bottom. There is no defect. Ensure good ventila
tion (see chapter "Safety notices")
This is a fast charger for nickel/cadmium and nickel/metal hydride accumulators.
The microcomputer-controlled fast charge charges the accumulators to 100%. 100% means
up to 115% of the stated capacity with new accumulators and less than 100% of the stated
capacity with older accumulators.
With accumulators with a capacity of less than 500 mAh, the discharge capacity (D) may not
reach 100%. However, this discharge value must be larger than 80%, otherwise the accumula-
tor is defect (best test it with the ALIVE program).
With this charger, it is not necessary to discharge the accumulators prior to recharging. The
accumulator is charged from its current charge state to its presently possible 100%.
The charging and discharging cycle is controlled independently of the charge state of the accu-
The charge and discharge current is microcomputer-controlled.
The discharge current of the charger is practice-conform (16 mA to 850 mA).
The charger has an automatic sustain charge.
The charger has an automatic fan control. The fan, which only runs slowly in standby-operation,
automatically accelerates to maximum speed when charging or discharging an accumulator. If
the charger detects a defect fan, all programs are cancelled, an error message is issued (FAN
ERROR) and the charger no longer reacts.
The charger has an automatic accumulator monitoring (charge voltage and charge quantity).
The automatic accumulator detection notices when an accumulator is inserted or removed
from the charger.
There is no memory effect (charge and discharge current are clocked). This reduces the high
interior resistance of the accumulator and its power capacity increases.
The accumulator's degree of effectiveness increases (relation of the required charge quantity to
the usable capacity).
The charger has a memory backup. In case of power failure, the accumulator's data and the
current functions are saved for up to two days. Once the charger is reconnected with the mains,
the program is continued. To do so, the charger must have been connected with the mains for
at least two hours beforehand and turned on.
The LCD (alphanumerical) serves to display
- the program (CHA, DIS, CHK, CYC, ALV)
- the type of accumulator (BABY/MONO, MIGNON, MICRO, 9V block)
- the accumulator's charge status (battery symbol)
- the current accumulator voltage(U)
- the current charge respectively discharge current (I)
- the current respectively saved charge data (C) and discharge data (D) in mAh or Ah
- the required time in hours and minutes (TIME hh:mm)
There are three function keys for entering the programs and the settings.