6. What to do before bleaching:
- Talk to the patient to clarify the patient's status and explain the prohibitions and risks and to
answer any questions.
- Familiarization of the patient with the content of the "Informed Consent" and its mandatory
signing by the patient.
- Isolation of soft tissues with a mask to avoid burns and skin reactions.
- Mandatory use of the safety goggles provided by the manufacturer for the operator and the
patient. Do not use other types of glasses that may be dangerous to the eyes.
- Check the patient's sensitivity to light intensity. The device has 2 levels of intensity and with the
distance to the teeth the optimal conditions are selected.
Testing begins with a high level of intensity "Hi" (High) and a distance of 5-6 cm and if the heat
sensation after 1-2 minutes is very strong, the distance should be increased to achieve an
acceptable thermal sensation.
If the heat sensation is very strong at 10-15 cm, then it is better to switch to low intensity - "Lo"
(Low) and less distance to the teeth.
If the patient has no sensitivity or cannot judge the distance – it is advisable to work at a great-
er distance and mode "Lo".
- After selecting the appropriate intensity (HI or LO) and the distance between the device and
the patient's lips between 5 and 15 cm, dentist must monitor how the patient reacts to this
intensity - for example after a few minutes of irradiation. Distance should be adjusted accord-
ing to the patient heat response to avoid danger of side effects - burns. The heat effect is as
strong as the light effect. For example, in the summer or at high temperatures in the room, it is
mandatory to increase the distance to the patient by 1-2 cm.
- To have constant control over the procedure to ensure that the distance has not changed. The
patient should not be left unattended during the procedure.
- It is desirable to have a picture before and after the procedure of the teeth and soft tissues
and to monitor whether there is redness or other reaction. The photo should be stored long
enough to monitor the effect of whitening and possibly the soft tissue reaction.
7. What to do after bleaching:
- Examination of the patient after the procedure for redness and changes in the mucosa, if
any, to give him a prescription for appropriate treatment and to keep in touch with him in the
coming days until the disappearance of any problem. It is desirable for the dentist to keep in
touch with a dermatologist and to be able to offer a consultation with one in case of problems
with the patient.
- The patient should be warned to observe the necessary hygiene and not to undertake
self-medication, which may deepen the reaction and to maintain contact with the dentist if
- The clinic (dentist) takes full responsibility for quickly and effectively solving any problems in
order to ultimately obtain the desired aesthetic result without unwanted complications and
LED Bleaching Lamp - FIXED