Growth Stages: Seed & Germination
During the Seeding Stage, water is the critical element required for germination and growth.
Seeds need to be given water to soften and sprout, then planted 1/2 to 1 inch deep, with the
sprout upward. During this phase, the seed does not require a lot of light and should not be
kept too close to the light source. Excessive light can burn the plant out.
Growth Stages: Vegetative Growth
This stage begins once roots and leaves have taken form. Now, the primary source of energy for the
plant is harnessed from light. Nutrients are collected by the root system. During this stage, you can
increase the amount of light provided up to the full amount recommended for that plant type.
Growth is focused on leaves, stems, and the main stalk. Once the plant reaches maturity, it may
begin to flower and fruit.
Growth Stages: Flowering & Fruiting
During this stage, the plant will begin to flower and bear fruit. Some plants will not start this stage
until they sense a change in the season. For this reason, you may need to reduce the duration in
which you provide light for the plant to start flowering.
You may need to stimulate the pollination of your flowers for them to successfully fruit. In nature,
bees, other insects, and wind will help pollinate flowers. In your home, you may need to use a
small brush, small rod, or other means to help activate the pollination process.
GloGro Quick Tips
Select a soil that is specifically for flowers and vegetables.
Keep seedling and juvenile plants further from the grow light source to protect against excessive
exposure. Once the plant is established, you may move the plant closer.
For large vegetables and plants, use a larger pot with sufficient nutrients. You may also use the
smaller hanging pot and then transfer to the larger pot as the plant grows.
Water Daily! Do NOT over water.
Use the integrated timer to set a consistent schedule.
Make sure to assist in pollination. Gently shake or brush flowers to stimulate self-pollination.