Quick Start
Easy step by step instructions for getting a quick start with the unit - it will run under the fac-
tory default if you do not change any parameter:
Put the main power switch which is allocated in the bottom of out-side cabinet to ON
After PW is ON, system will be ready for setup. Press CAM-PW to switch on the camera
Set date and time for the camera and choose either picture or video mode.(See the para-
graph below for "Date and time Setting"; Still Picture / Video Mode)
Set other parameters of scouting and exit the setting mode after fi nished. (See more para-
graphs about the setting for motion sensor below)
Hang unit on a steady tree around 1 meter height with the attached belt that almost point
to the area which you wish to monitor.
Put the main PW switch to TEST and turn the sensor gain to max. (Clock-wise). After the