The manufacturer (or importer) is responsible for en-
suring the product complies with the requirements of
applicable legal regulations as well as those of the rel-
evant technical standards. Moreover, they are respon-
sible for ensuring the product has the properties the
manufacturer described in documents related to the
goods or those reasonably expected by the customer
with regard to the nature of the goods or based on
advertising produced by the manufacturer, and fur-
ther they are responsible for ensuring the product is
fit for the purpose proposed by the manufacturer or
that a product of the same type is normally used for.
The quality warranty term is 24 months from product
takeover by the customer.
In terms of these warranty conditions, a defective
accumulator is an accumulator that is electronically
malfunctioning (i.e. it does not communicate with
the basic unit, its charging or discharging circuits are
faulty, etc.) or has an internal short-circuit.
Product data
Production number:
Date of purchase:
1 58
Defects or changes of parameters resulting from nor-
mal use and/or wear (e.g. natural decrease in capac-
ity) are not, in any event, considered to be defects in
terms of warranty.
The warranty for the accumulators is granted for 6
months. In terms of these warranty conditions, an ac-
cumulator has the nature of consumables. For details,
see "Consumables".
For consumables (batteries, etc.) we guarantee the
maintenance of technical parameters for 6 months,
unless the product has been damaged as a result of
improper use or its service life has expired.
The warranty does not apply to wear and tear caused
by regular use. The customer shall not be entitled to
any warranty claims if, prior to taking the product
over, they knew the product contained a defect or if
the defect is attributable to the customer.
Seal and signature of vendor:
C P 1010