Disposal (for United States based customer only)
The LARQ Bottle cap contains a rechargeable lithium-polymer battery, and the cap
containing the battery must be disposed of properly. Do not remove the battery.
Dispose of the Product containing the battery in accordance with applicable law.
Do not dispose of the Product or battery in fire or allow any contact with fire.
Contact your local town or city officials for information regarding the disposal of the
Product containing the battery.
Disposal (for EU based customer only)
Removing the rechargeable battery only for disposal where required by law in Europe.
The LARQ Bottle cap contains a rechargeable lithium-polymer battery that must be
disposed of properly. Do not remove the battery from the Product until you intend to
discard of the Product. Ensure the battery is completely empty of charge before
removing it from the Product for disposal. Dispose of the battery in accordance with
applicable law.