Mount the brushes or scraper disks (with the abra-
sive disks) that are suitable for the surface and
work involved.
Mount the squeegee, check that it is solidly at-
tached and connected to the suction hose and that
the drying straps are not too worn.
Make sure that the recovery tank is empty. If not,
empty it completely.
Check and completely close the detergent solution
release control.
Fill the detergent solution tank with a mix of clean
water and non-foaming detergent in an adequate
concentration through the rear hole. Leave 7 cm
between the mouth of the plug and the level of
the liquid.
☞ To avoid risks, become familiar with the machine
movements, carrying out test runs on a large sur-
face without obstacles.
To obtain the best results in terms of cleaning and
equipment service life, you should do the following
simple but important operations:
- Identify the work area, moving all possible obsta-
cles out of the way; if the surface is very extensive,
work in contiguous and parallel rectangular areas.
- Choose a straight work trajectory and begin work-
ing from the farthest area to avoid passing over
areas that have already been cleaned.
Prepare and check the battery charge according
to the instructions provided in the specific section.
Detach the battery connector (the one with the
handle) from the machine power connector and
connect it to the battery charger connector.
Do not connect the battery charger to the scrub-
ber-drier's main wiring connector.
Hold the connectors with the hands; do not pull
them using the cables.
If the machine is equipped with Pb-Acid batteries,
charge only in a well-ventilated area, lift the top
tank and open the battery plugs.
Follow the steps indicated in the battery manu-
facturer's operating and safety manual (see the
battery maintenance section).
If the machine is equipped with gel batteries
(maintenance free), follow the instructions indi-
cated here below.
If the machine is used regularly:
Always keep the batteries connected to the battery
charger when the machine is not being used.
If the machine is not used for extended time periods:
Charge the battery during the night after the last
work period, then disconnect the battery from the
battery charger.
Charge the battery during the night before using
the machine again.
Intermediate or incomplete charging while working
should be avoided.
If the machine is equipped with Pb-Acid batteries,
use a hydrometer to check the element liquid in-
tensity on a regular basis: if one or more elements
are discharged and the others fully charged, the
battery has been damaged and should be replaced
or repaired (refer to the battery service manual).
Close the element plugs and lower the top tank.
Hold the connectors with the hands; don't pull
them using the cables.
Reconnect the battery connector to the connector
on the machine.
The squeegee is the main component that ensures
perfect drying.
Lower the lifting system to avoid having to keep
the body raised while completing connections.
Loosen the connection knobs on the squeegee sup-
port (Photo E - 3).
Insert the openings of the squeegee body in the
brackets of the oscillating support.
Fully tighten the squeegee knobs of the support
(Photo E - 3) in order to block the squeegee on
the support.
Firmly insert the machine suction hose into the
squeegee body (Photo E - 5).
Lower the lifting system to avoid having to keep
the body raised while completing connections.
Disconnect the suction hose from the squeegee
body (Photo E - 5).
Loosen the connections connection knobs on the
squeegee support (Photo E - 3).
Pull back the squeegee body to detach it from the
brackets of the oscillating support.
Disassemble the squeegee from its support (see
Unscrew the knobs ( Photo E - 2, E - 3 ) placed on
the squeegee body and apply some pressure on
their bolts in order to push out the plastic support
of the squeegee blades from the squeegee body.
Tear off the rubber blades from the plastic support.
Assemble the new blades on the plastic support by
the means of the plastic pins that have to be fixed
in the holes placed the blades.
Push the plastic support of the squeegee blades
into the squeegee body and screw the knobs (
Photo E - 2, E - 3 ) to secure it to the squeegee
Reassemble the squeegee to its support (see 7.2.1)
The knob screw on the squeegee support (Photo
E - 4) adjust the squeegee's inclination with respect