- RV4, 10K linear.
- RV5, 1K linear.
Assembling the current-sensor resistances:
These resistances are made by means of the additionally supplied piece of
resistance wire. Proceed as follows:
- Snip off four pieces of 10cm each from the supplied resistance wire.
- Fold the four pieces as shown in figure 1.1
IMPORTANT: The soldering ends must first be grinded with abrasive paper and
must then be plated with tin; otherwise it might lead to inadequate contact and
consequently to an inadequate functioning of the power supply.
- Mount these resistance wires on the spots R37 up to and including R40. (see
figure 1.2)
Mount the Ics in their socket:
IC1, type 741 with its notch facing C7
IC2, type 723 with its notch facing R7
IC3, type VK7200 with its notch facing C3.
- Mount the current limitation indication LED LD1 ON THE SOLDER SIDE, in
such a way that the tip of the LED rises 3cm above the PCB surface (= total
length of the LED). Pay attention to polarity; the shortest connection of the LED
coincides with the opening next to the flattened circular annotation.
C) construction of the digital readout PCB P7201
Mount the jumpwires marked J on the board.
Mount the resistances:
- R1 to R4, 100K (brown, black, yellow)
- R5 and R6, 22K (red, red, amber)
- R7 and R8, 47K (yellow, purple, amber)
- R9 and R10, 470 Ohm (yellow, purple, brown)
Mount the diodes. Pay attention to polarity:
D1 to D4, diodes from the 1N4000 series.
Mount he Ic socket for IC1 and IC2 together with those for the displays.
Mount the trimming potentiometers RV1 and RV2 of 1K
Mount the capacitors:
C1 and C2, 100pF ceramic (sometimes with annotation 101)
C3 to C8, 100nF (sometimes with annotation 104)
C9 and C10, 100nF MKM (sometimes with annotation u1)