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NOTICE D’EMPLOI Broyeur SF317 Yv a n B é a l - 21, av. d e l ’Ag r i c u l t u r e - B . P. 16 Z . I . d u B r é z e t - 6 3 014 C l e r m o n t- F e r r a n d Ce d e x 2 01-000474-090526 Té...
S.R.L. Via Valsugana, 30 35010 Curtarolo (PD) Tel. Fax. e-mail : CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY PERUZZO Company S.R.L. Via Valsugana, 30 - 35010 Curtarolo, Padova (Italy) Declare in sole responsibility, that the product: FLAIL MOWER - Mod. TEG SPECIAL ISEKI - Origin: Italy - To which this certificate applies, conforms to the basic safety and health requirements of EEC Directions European Machines Directions 98/37/CE...