baby carrier user manual
Firstly, we would like to wish you lots of fun with your newly found freedom. The HEMA
carrier you now hold in your hands will enlarge your world. YES! You can hit the road in
no time with your little one, safe and sound with you. Hello world, here I am once again.
Your HEMA baby carrier
This carrier is a stylish baby carrier made completely from recycled fabric. It combines
the cosiness of a sling with the convenience of a baby carrier. After years of developing
this product, everything has been thought through: safety, security and comfort. This car-
rier is wonderful for dreaming, sleeping and relaxing. You can carry your baby from day
one (from approx. 2.5 kg) until your baby weighs roughly 11 kg (approx. sizes 50 – 80).
Holding your baby close to you, makes it feel very comfortable and safe. This does won-
ders for bonding with the parent or carer. Research shows that babies who are carried
often are quieter and cry significantly less.
The material of the carrier feels strong, but is flexible enough to adapt to the body of
your baby at the same time. While developing the carrier we took your needs and
desires into account: you not only want to be able to carry your baby immediately after
birth, but also in the months thereafter. As this carrier grows with your baby, you do not
have to buy an additional product. You can bring your carrier everywhere you go. Think
of it as part of your "baby travel gear".
Before you go out with your baby
First of all, you have to put on the carrier. This is very easy. However, having someone to
help you can make the first time you use the carrier easier. You will quickly get the hang
of it. We will guide you through it.
The parts that we mention:
a. Waistband with adjustable buckle and elastic safety band.
b. Two jersey straps (the large straps that go across your shoulders and back)
c. Cocoon + removable insert cloths (50 x 50 cm hydrophilic cloth and 37 x 32 cm fleece
General instructions:
You can use the adjustable buckle on the waistband (a), the straps (b) and elastic cord
inside both sides of the lower part of the cocoon (c) to adjust the carrier so that it fits the
size of your baby (approx. size 50 to 80) while also fitting your own body perfectly (size
34 – 48 / waistband 62 cm to 135 cm). Check after each step that everything is still in place
and fits properly. If not, you can easily adjust the carrier.
On the outside of the lower part of the straps (where they are attached to the waistband)
and the inside of the cocoon, there are 2 cords with press studs. You can use these cords
and press studs to adjust the width of the seating area to 5 different positions. This is done
by adjusting the cords and securing them at the required position by pressing the press
studs together to fasten them. In this way, you can create an M-position for your baby,
which is important. In this position, your baby's knees are higher than its buttocks and the
backs of your baby's knees are supported by the fabric of the lower straps and cocoon.
For newborn babies you need to adjust it to the smallest setting (approx. 26 cm or size
50). The bigger your child, the broader the seating area will be (maximum is 36 cm/size
We have consciously chosen a carrying position in which your baby faces you. In this
position, your baby is less exposed to distracting impressions from the outside world and
it can dream away in a soft warm environment.
soft canvas
additional elastic
straps for safety
pocket for baby's
feet or ends of straps