Enjoy a secure connection
Once you've registered La Fonera, we suggest you use FON's private signal
in your subsequent connections, as it's encrypted and totally secured.
The private signal's default name is "MyPlace". This signal is not shared.
Repeat the steps you
followed to get connected
to FON_AP, but this time
connect to the "MyPlace"
Choose the "MyPlace"
signal and click "Connect".
You'll see this window asking for the WPA (WiFi Protected Access)
network key.
My Place
The network password you must type is the serial number of La
Fonera (it has 10 characters in total) which is found on a sticker on
its base and is labeled as SN (Serial Number).
Click Connect. In a few
seconds you'll be connected
to FON's WiFi signal.
Now you can browse the Internet. LAN and INTERNET lights will
always be on and they'll be flickering as they send data. The green
power light shows that the AC connection of La Fonera works properly.
La Fonera
Don't forget
The window where you type the WPA key will only appear the first time you
connect to the private signal (MyPlace) with a device, making your experience
as a FON user clear and straightforward. Share your WiFi at home with your
family and friends by giving them your WPA password.
Connect to your private signal wherever you've installed La Fonera (your
house, your office, your business...)
If you want to connect to the Internet through another access point of the
FON community that is not yours, connect to FON's WiFi signal (the one
starting with FON_) and open your browser. You'll see FON's access portal,
and after the login process you'll be able to connect to the Internet.
You can access your User Zone any time through FON's Web Site
(www.fon.com), where you can enjoy all their functionalities (change your
WiFi signal's name, view the maps, the places you've connected, change
your WPA password, customize your access portal, etc...).
More Help
Installing La Fonera is fast and simple, but
sometimes you'll have to make some
configuration changes. If whenever you get
connected to any of the FON signals you see a
window like the one shown (Management
Console), refer to the User Manual.
At FON, we want to help you make your user experience as fun as it is for us. If you
need more help regarding La Fonera installation or you need more information
about the FON Community (and the different Linus, Bills and Aliens profiles), you'll
find detailed technical and operational information in the User Manual.
For any additional questions, check FON's FAQ at www.fon.com or send us
an email to