Using the Imager
Before using your Imager for viewing on your computer screen or imaging, you will have
to ensure the driver is recognized by your computer. Your Imager is a "Plug and Play"
type where the computer should automatically recognize the driver type on Microsoft
Windows XP, Vista and 7 Operating Systems as well as Apple MAC version 10.4.9 and
later Operating Systems.
Plug the USB cable of the Imager into the USB port of your computer. Each computer
system will have slightly different messages. For example, on some Vista OSs when
plugged in the message may say "Installing Device Driver Software" and shortly thereafter
you may see a message "Your Devices Are Ready to Use". Just follow any instructions
shown on the screen.
You will need to install the Digital Microscope Suite software (on Windows OS) to actually
view and/or image and prior to doing this you will need to unplug the USB cable until the
installation is complete. You can also use other image/photo capture software that you may
have on your Windows system if you desire. To use the Imager with MAC operating systems
you will need to have image/photo capture software on your computer (like a combination of
"iChat" with "Photo Booth", etc.).
The approximate digital power is 100x (on a monitor of 14" (35 mm) to 30" (75 mm) using
the Imager. The actual power is determined by the digital power using the imager (100x)
times the objective lens power. As an example, if the objective lens being used is 4x, then
the power you will be capturing for snapshots or video will be 400x. If using a 40x objective,
then the power will be 4000x, etc.