Configuring The Azure
3) Connect the surge protector into the wire harness. Refer to image 7.
Set the motor voltage to match the application using the RED
voltage wire pigtail leads: Refer to image 2.
4) Set the motor rotation to match the application using the WHITE
rotation wire pigtail leads: Refer to image 3.
Connect the WHITE rotation leads together
(closed circuit).
CCWLE: Leave the WHITE leads disconnected
(open circuit).
5) Set the motor mode of operation (PSC or X-13) to match the
application using the BLUE mode of operation pigtail leads:
Refer to image 4.
PSC: Connect the BLUE mode of operation leads together
(closed circuit).
X-13: Leave the BLUE mode of operation leads disconnected
(open circuit).
X-13: Install the X-13 PC board into the speed tap wire harness
by unplugging the connector and inserting the X-13 PC
board. Refer to image 5 & 6.
X-13: Unplug and discard the WHITE and GREEN/YELLOW
power wire harness. (The factory X-13 power
harness will replace this harness)
6) Install the blower assembly back into the HVAC equipment.
Image 7: Surge Protector
Image 6: X-13 PC Board Location
Installation Guide
Configuration Leads
Image 2: Voltage
Image 3: Rotation
Image 4: Mode of Operation
Image 5: X-13 PC Board