Product for Personal Use
A „product for personal use" refers to any product that can be
applied to the purpose specifi ed by the manufacturer by any
amateur in the home environment.
Electromagnetic Compatibility
The electromagnetic compatibility refers to a usually desirable
state that technical devices do not affect each other by disturb-
ing and unwanted electrical or electromagnetic effects.
The expulsion of the unfertilized egg from the ovary is called
ovulation. Ovulation takes place in about the middle of the fe-
male menstrual cycle and is essential for the fertilization of the
ovum by a sperm in the fallopian tube.
Progesterone content
Progesterone belongs to the group of sex hormones. This is
mainly generated during the second phase of the menstrual cy-
cle, and in much higher amounts during pregnancy.
Estrogen content
Estrogens are the primary female sex hormones. Estrogens
promote the maturation of an egg capable of being fertilized.
By estrogen, the endometrium is well supplied with blood. The
cervix opens and the cervical secretion is permeable to sperm.
LH concentration
Luteinizing hormone (LH) is one of the hormones that regulate
Women have a steep rise of LH concentration in blood and urine
which can be detected before ovulation, which then again sub-
sides quickly.
Under the infl uence of estrogen, LH is produced in greater
quantities in the fi rst half of the cycle. When the oocyte is ma-
ture; large amounts of LH are released into the blood by these
ovulation is triggered.
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