Adding channels or stations to your favourites list
Follow this procedure to add channels or stations to your favourites list, or to remove them.
1. Press MENU on the remote control. The Main Menu appears.
2. If Channel Manager is not seen in the main menu, press ▲ or ▼ until it is and then press OK. The
Channel Manager menu appears.
3. If you want to make a TV channel a favourite, make sure Edit TV Channels is highlighted; if you
want to make a radio station a favourite, make sure Edit Radio Channels is highlighted. With the
option you want highlighted, press OK.
A list of channels or stations appears.
4. Press ▲ or ▼until the channel or station you want to select is highlighted.
5. Press the FAV button on the remote control to mark the highlighted channel or station as a
favourite (or to mark it for removal from your favourites list). An icon of a heart appears beside
the channel or station name to indicate that it is to become a favourite (or the icon disappears
if it was already a a favourite).
6. If you want to select another channel or station as a favourite, repeat from step 4.
7. Press EXIT. A message appears asking you to confirm that you want to save the changes.