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emob DONAU 20900140 Notice De Montage page 9


Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles

1.) Before slarting, please read our assembling
2.)Follow our assembling inslruetions carefully.
3.)Compare Ihe Iisled parts and fitting lisl 10 Ihe conlenls ofthe cardboard.
4.)Prepare Ihe necessary lools for assembling and make sure Ihal the tools are in proper condilion. Bad lools lead in
some way 10 difficulties during Ihe assembling.
5.)To make sure thai the fumilure will not be damaged or graled during assembling,
Ihe f100r wilh the cardboards or anolher soft pad (Le. cloth or carpel).
6.)We recommend operaling always wiIh two or more people.
7. )Do not overwind screws. Check the screws lrom lime to lime and if necessary retighl Ihem.
8.)Keep the instruclion and service sheets. Pemaps you will need them laler on.
For wooden fumilure consisting of glass and steel or MDF and coaled surface:
Wooden Fumilure:
Stains can be taken off wilh a soft, moislened cloth or by using a special polish (available in
supermar\<et and specialized stores). Bul do not forgel 10 wipe the surface with a dry and soft cloth afterwards.
Sieel fumilure:
The metal has a vamished surface. The malerial could show little discrepancies
machine made produclion which should nol be a reason for a complaint.
If some metal parts have been twisted oul of shape during transport, you could carefully try 10 twist them inlo Ihe original
position. Please do nol overwind the screws and retighl them from time lolime.
MDF and coaled surfaces:
MDF consisls 01 wooden fibres (please read the a.m. inslruetions).
sharp objecls, as Ihis could cause damage the malerial.
Thai should not be a reason for complaints afterwards.
Due 10 machine made production, the MDF parts can have sharp edges. You could chamfer them wiIh a fine standard
sand paper. Please do il carefully in order 10 make sure thai you will not remove 100 much of the malerial.
Carrying oul Ihe assembly is for adults only. Please, keep your children away during assembling. Children mighl take
small parts or fittings away or swallow Ihem up. During assembling
down on your children. Please, Iherefore, protecl them and make sure that you carry out the assembling in thei< absence.
If your piece of fumilure consisls of glass, it should be handled carefully during assembling. Glass can break al any time
and cause injuries. Therefore, you should protecl your eyes and hands by wearing special clothing and salely shoes,
available in the supermar\<els and specialized slores.
We are nol Iiable lor any material damage or injuries resuiling from faully assembling. We are also not liable for any
damage resullanl trom lack of mainlenance
damage caused by faully use or use againsl its purpose.
We wish you a 101of joy and pleasure wiIh your new piece of fumilure.
Your Qualily Assurance Team by Inler Link SA
Important assembling suggestions:
carefully and make yourself familiar wilh Ihem.
during use. (i.e. retighlening of screws, and elc; -). We are not Iiable for any
prepare an adequate area and cover
in colour, clouds or stains due 10 the
Do not wor\< on the coaled surfaces wilh knives or
il could also happen thai parts of your fumilure fall

