Congratulations on purchasing your TRACE ELLIOT EVOLITE PA SYSTEM.
Please take a few minutes to read the following instructions to ensure maximum safety
and reliability from these loudspeakers.
General Notes
Following are a few important points concerning the loudspeaker enclosures.
The EVOLITES are both fitted with speakon connectors and care must be taken when
using these as badly fitted plugs may cause the signal to be lost. Neutrik have developed
a new 4-way plug which is easier to use than the original; here's how to ensure correct
connection from both types:-
Original with locking ring:- with the plug facing away, turn the blue locking ring fully
anti-clockwise. Push the plug into the socket by lining up the small (bottom) and large
(top) locating lugs. Now twist the plug through 20 degrees clockwise and then turn the
blue locking ring through 180 degrees clock-wise to secure the whole assembly. The plug
is now firmly locked in place and cannot be moved unless the locking ring is first undone.
New type with locking ring removed:- the ring has been replaced by a metal locking clip
and connection simply requires location of the two lugs in the socket then a 20 degree
turn clockwise. The clip then "snaps" into position and connection is made. To release the
plug, pull the metal tab backwards and turn anti-clockwise.
The speakons are wired with the positive signal on PIN1+ and the negative on PIN1-.
PINS 2+ and 2- are not used. The jack sockets are wired TIP+VE. This information can be
found on the connector panel which is on the rear of each cab.
Both cabs are fitted with jack sockets for ease of connection when speakons are not
All connectors are wired in parallel so cabinets can be linked together but remember
never connect two amplifiers up to the same cabinet as damage will definitely result.
As both cabinets have a nominal impedance of 8 ohms, up to 4 can be run off a single
channel of any power amp which will operate at 2 ohms. For safety and maximum
headroom this amp would need to produce upwards of 1500 watts per channel so it is
preferable to use multiple amplifiers if an array of cabs are to be used.
Distortion danger
The Evolite enclosures are capable of producing large sound pressure levels and handling
peaks in excess of their individual ratings. They can however be damaged by distortion.
This is the clipping distortion associated with overdriving the output of the power amp
being used. It is far better to use a power amplifier that can produce more clean power
than the enclosure is rated at so there is "headroom" in the system and less danger of
burning out voice coils.