Wireless Receiver
Wireless Receiver, USA
Use the Wireless Receiver to con-
vert your LGB remote (55015 or
55016) to wireless control. The
55050/55051 Wireless Transmit-
ter transmits the control com-
mands of the remote to the Wire-
less Receiver, which controls the
MTS Central Station (with LGB
Multi-Train System) or a 51070
Analog Throttle (with analog con-
For large layouts, you can use
several Wireless Receivers to
make sure each part of your lay-
out is within the range of a Wire-
less Receiver. This allows you to
enjoy wireless operation of even
the largest layout.
Caution! This product is not wea-
ther-resistant. Protect this product
from moisture.
This package contains:
1. Wireless Receiver
2. Antenna
3. Cable with narrow phone-style
connectors (4/6)
4. Cable with wide phone-style
connectors (8/8)
With this product, we recommend
the following items:
- 51070 Analog Throttle, Indoor, 5
- 55015 Universal Remote
- 55016 Loco Remote
- 55050 Wireless Transmitter
- 55051 Wireless Transmitter,
- 55110 MTS Remote Adapter
For information on the complete
LGB program, see the LGB cata-
Attention! You can use the Wire-
less Receiver either with the LGB
Multi-Train System or on analog
layouts. Do not connect the Wire-
less Receiver to both an MTS
Central Station and an analog
throttle at the same time.
Use the cable with two narrow
included) to connect the socket
marked "LGB-BUS" on the Wire-
less Receiver with a correspon-
ding socket on the 55110 MTS
Remote Adapter or on the MTS
Central Station (Fig. 2). Plug the
antenna (included) into the hole in
the top of the Wireless Receiver.
Position the Wireless Receiver to
ensure that your entire layout is
within the range of the Wireless
(see Range).
Caution! Do not connect the
phone-style connectors of LGB
products to your phone system.
The LGB product will be destroy-
- The Wireless Receiver can
receive control inputs from up to
eight remotes (each equipped
with a 55050/55051 Wireless
- When operating several remotes
at the same time, control inputs
can overlap and be lost.
- 55015 Universal Remotes in
doubleheading mode count as
two remotes.
The range of the Wireless Trans-
mitter is approximately 15 to 20 m
(50 to 65 ft) (Fig. 1). External fac-
tors, such as other transmitters
using the same frequency (e.g.,
wireless thermometers), objects
between Wireless Transmitter and
Wireless Receiver and walls that
reflect the radio waves can
decrease the range.
On large layouts, we recommend
placing the Wireless Receiver in
the center of the layout at eye
level. The best position can be
found through trial and error. You
can extend the cable between the
Wireless Receiver and the 55110
using a phone cable and a phone-
style plug (6/4) up to a distance of
30 m (100 ft).
Hint: If the Wireless Receiver is
placed outdoors, it must be pro-
tected from moisture. For exam-
ple, you can install the receiver in