Place all boxes of the Gumax sun
Wash the Gumax veranda on the
shading fixed in the vehicle to prevent
inside before installing the Gumax sun
damage to the parts. Always keep and
transport Box C Gumax sun shading
with the right side up.
To prevent possible mould from
Before operating the Gumax sun
forming on the canvas, Gumax advises
shading, always check if the clearance
to open the Gumax sun shading at
of its moving parts is free of obstacles.
least once a month for at least
To prevent entrapment, the sun
10 minutes so that any condensed
shading must not be operated if the
moisture can evaporate.
fabric housing is not installed.
If necessary, take this opportunity to
clean the cloth immediately. Follow
the cleaning instructions.
Do not attempt to repair the Gumax
Never hang or place objects under, or
sun shading yourself. Bad repairs can
above the sun shading as they can
lead to dangerous situations and also
impede the operation. When closing
violate the warranty provision. First
the sun shading, make sure that there
contact a local supplier.
are no objects on the sun shading
fabric. When moving inwards, the
system will jam and possibly damage
the cloth.
Avoid direct contact of the Gumax sun
shading with water. This may result in
a short circuit.
Making changes to parts of your
Gumax sun shading by yourself will
in all cases result in the expiry of your
guarantee. With changes is meant:
anything other than the operations
mentioned in the installation manual.
Never place objects and/or body
parts between and within the
running area of the Gumax sun
shading transporter (ALP-3021-X). In
case of an obstruction, the sun
shading will stop automatically.
However, the motor will see this point
as a new endpoint. In order to re-teach
the range of motion to the motor, cut
off the power to the sun shading for
at least 10 minutes. Next the power
can be reconnected and the motor
will learn its new beginning and end
position uppon use.
Each sun shading module has an
electronic drive of 62W. Because of
the low electricity consumption of
the sun shading, it is not necessary
to place them on a separate group.
While connecting, do make sure that
the relevant electricity group is not
It is possible to connect the remote
control to several Gumax sun shading
modules on a single channel.
Although this is not harmful, it does
not benefit the versatility of the
system. You can read more in the
installation manual for pairing the
remote control with the Gumax sun
shading modules.
Prevent exposure of the Gumax sun
shading to open fire. The cloth of the
Gumax sun shading is intended to
withstand the solar heat. When heated
above 120 degrees Celsius, the fabric
may discolour and fuse. Barbecue,
open fire and/or candles under the
Gumax sun shading are therefore also
advised against, to prevent voiding
the warranty. In normal use as sun
protection, the fabric will not discolour
or fuse.
The Gumax sun shading consists of
several separately connected motors.
When simultaneously operating these
motors, in exceptional cases, it may
occur that one or more motors do not
respond to the signal from the Gumax
remote control as well as the other
motors do.
When in standby mode the engines
can produce a light high pitched noise.
This is normal.
The Gumax sun shading contains
Some mechanical parts may contain
parts that cannot be deposited with
a small amount of lubricant. Prevent
regular waste. Upon disposal, take
stains on the sun shading fabric by
the unit to a suitable disposal point for
wearing the provided gloves during
power tools.
installation and movement of the
The remote control of the Gumax sun
When the Gumax engine has been
shading contains a battery. The remote
newly connected to a channel of the
control and charger should never be
Gumax remote control, it will first have
exposed to heat or moisture. They
to learn to determine its start and end
should also never be opened and/or
position. Therefore, let the Gumax sun
pierced. Dispose of as chemical waste
shading run up and down a number
during scrapping. The charger has a
of times after installation. When the
charging cable. Take caution with this
Gumax sun shading quietly closes
cable near small children as the cable
against the front and back of the
may cause a strangulation hazard.
veranda, then its start and end position
is known.
The Gumax patio heater must be
Heat damage caused by patio heaters
mounted at least 40 cm away from the
other than the Gumax patio heater is
Gumax sun shading. The patio heater
not covered by the warranty of the
must be positioned correctly and at
Gumax sun shading.
the correct angle so that the Gumax
sun shading can never overheat due
to heat radiation from the Gumax patio
While extending the Gumax sun
When using the Gumax sun
shading, the fabric may be less tight
shading, take the following into
than when the sun shading is in the
account for certain weather conditions:
fully extended position.
The Gumax sun shading can only be
used with temperatures between -20
and 80 degrees. We recommend
retracting the Gumax sun shading
when there are rough winds. The
Gumax sun shading can be installed
under the same circumstances as
set out for the Gumax veranda. See
Gumax CE documentation.