Maintenance; Cleaning; Calibration Interval; Battery Replacement - Unitest CHB 130 Mode D'emploi

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  • FR

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5.0 Maintenance

As long as the instructions in the operating manual are adhered to, no
special maintenance is required. Should operational problems occur du-
ring daily use, our consulting service (phone 0049(0)7684/8009-429) will
be at your disposal, free of charge.

5.1 Cleaning

If the instrument is dirty after daily usage, it is advised to clean it by using
a humid cloth and a mild household detergent. Prior to cleaning, ensure
that instrument is switched off and disconnected from external voltage
supply and any other instruments connected (such as UUT, control in-
struments, etc.).
Never use acid detergents or dissolvants for cleaning.

5.2 Calibration Interval

We suggest a calibration interval of one year. If the instrument is used
very often or if it is used under rough conditions we recommend shorter
intervals. If the instrument is used few times only the calibration interval
can be extended on to 3 years.

6.0 Battery Replacement

If the battery symbol appears in display (3), the battery has to be repla-
ced. Please proceed as follows:
Prior to storage battery replacement, disconnect the instrument
from any connected test leads.
Switch off the instrument.
Loosen both screws in the casing rear.
Carefully open the casing.
Replace the old battery with the new one by respecting the cor-
rect polarity!
Only use accumulators as described in the technical data section!
Carefully close the casing.
Insert the screws and ensure they are tightened.
If the instrument is likely to remain unused for a long period of time
the batteries must be removed. If a battery should leak inside the
housing, return the instrument to our service department for clea-
ning and checking.
Please think of our environment when getting rid of used batte-
ries. They should be disposed of in a place suitable for hazardous


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Produits Connexes pour Unitest CHB 130

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