5.8. Main panel
It's the only fixed size panel. It contains the following items:
5.8.1. Menus
These menus give access to a variety of program options. .amiclab2 offers two different menus:
FILE contains typical commands to manage presets as files. NEW, LOAD and SAVE are always
available commands:
NEW initialize the current preset, resetting it to default values.
LOAD reload a preset previously saved as a file in the computer. Executing this command opens
a Windows® typical file selection dialog box.
SAVE stores the current preset as a file in the computer to reload it in the future. Executing this
command opens a Windows® typical file selection dialog box.
DEVICE contains several commands relative to AMIC24i hardware: RECALL, STORE, PASSWORD
and FIRMWARE. These commands are not always available, depending if .amiclab2 is connected to
the hardware or not.
RECALL extracts the preset from AMIC24i hardware (this preset is automatically extracted from
the hardware). This is only available if .amiclab2 is connected with the hardware. During the
recall process, a progress dialog box is displayed to provide feedback of the operation progress.