Quick Start Guide
Show Special Top Banner
Zappiti is able to auto detect some formats and to add top banner such as 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray,
Blu-ray or DVD. But it is also possible to add special top banners such as Director's Cut, Special
Edition, Disc 2, Bonus Disc, and many others. To add a special top banner on a cover, press MENU,
then go to Edit, then go to the second tab Technical Information, then go to Special Banner and
select the special banner you want to associate with your cover.
Subtitle Display Options During Playback
To change the subtitle display options such as vertical position, size and color, press the Subtitle
button on the Zappiti remote control during video playback, then go to Settings and change the
desired option. To change the vertical position, use the buttons UP / DOWN. To change the size, use
the buttons P+ / P-. To change the color, use the buttons 1-6. To add external subtitle, please use the
same name as the video file as follows: Metropolis.mkv / Metropolis.srt
Zoom and Aspect Ratio Settings During Playback
To modify the aspect ratio or to zoom on the picture during playback, press the defollowing button:
Media Info During Playback
To display the media info and and various info such as the bitrate, the resolution, the frequency, etc.,
please press INFO button during playback.
Generate a CSV File From a Zappiti Collection
If you want to extract all the data from your collection for processing in an external management software
or Excel table, this feature should be able to help you. In order to generate a .csv file from your collection,
press the MENU button on your remote control, and go to Settings. Then, in the second tab, scroll down
to select Generate a .csv file from the collection. A CSV file will be sent to the email adress of your
Zappiti account.
Add a Category in the Showcase
On the Zappiti Video homepage, press the MENU button on your remote control, and go to Add a module
in the showcase. Choose from the list of modules the category you want to highlight in the showcase.
Token Error Message "Account / token already used"
When you encounter the message Account / token already used you need to release the Zappiti Player
token in order to use it again. If you are not able to do it by yourself, contact us by sending us a photo of
the sticker under the Zappiti uni with the token number.