1.) Belore storting, pleose reod our ossembling instructions corelully and moke yoursell familiar with them.
2.) Follow our assembling instructions carelully.
3.) Compare the li.ted parts and litting list to the contents 01 the cardboard.
4.) Prepare the necessary tools for assembling and make sure that the tools are in proper condition. Bad tools lead
in same woy to dilliculties during the assembling.
5.) To make sure thot the lurniture will not be damaged or groted during assembling, prepare on adequate area and
cover the floar with the cardboards or another soft pad. (i.e. cloth or carpet) ..
6.) We recommend operating always with two or more people.
7.) Do not overwind screws. Check the screws Irom time to time and il necessary retight them.
8.) Keep the instruction and service sheets. Perhops you will need them .Iater On.
FOrwooden lurniture consisting 01 glass and steel or MDF and coated surface:
Wooden Furniture: Stains can be taken oll with a soft, moistened cloth or by using a special polish (available in
supermarket and specialized stores). But do not forget to wipe the surface with a dry and soft cloth ofterwards.
Steel furniture:
The metal has a varnished surface. The material could show little discrepancies in colour, c10uds or stains due 10 the
machine made praduction which should not be a reason for a complaint.
II some meta I parts have been twisted out of shape during transport, you could carelully try to twist them into the
original position. Please do not overwind the screws and retight them Irom time to time.
MDF and coated surfaces:
MDF consists 01 wooden fibres (please read the a.m. instructions). Do not work on the coated surfaces with knives
or sharp objects, as this could couse damage the material.
That should not be a reason for complaints afterwards.
Due to machine made production, the MDF parts can have sharp edges. You could chamler them wilh
standard sand paper. Please do it carelully in order to make sure that you will not remove too much 01 the material.
Corrying out the assembly is lor adults only. Piease, keep your children away during assembling. Children might
take small parts or littings away or swallow them up. During assembling it could also happen thot ports of your
lurniture 1011 d own on your children. Pleose, therelore, protect them ond make sure that you canry out the ossembling
in their absence.
lf your piece 01 lurniture consists 01 gloss, it should be handled carelully during assembling. Glass can break at any
time and cause injuries. Therelore, you should protect your eyes and hands by wearing special c1athing and salety
shaes, available in the supermarkets and specialized stares.
We are not liable lar any material domage or injuries resulting Iram laulty assembling. We are also not Iiable for
any damage resultanffrom lack af maintenance during use. (i.e. retightening 01 screws, and elc ... ). We are not
liable lor any damage caused by laulty use or use against its purpose.
We wish you
lot 01 jay and pleasure with your new piece 01 furniture.
Your Quality Assurance Team by Inter Link S.A.S.
Important assembling suggestions: