• Possible eardrum injuries
• Pulmonary barotrauma
• Significant cardiovascular insufficiency
• Massive restriction of the respiratory pump
• Repeated, substantial nosebleeds
• skin emphysema
• granuloma - growths of the mucous membranes
near the tracheostoma
Side effects
Hyperventilation (rapid breathing) may occasionally cause
slight dizziness or numbness of the mouth or hands. These
occurrences are not dangerous and will disappear when
normal breathing resumes.
Patients may experience difficulty breathing (in patients with
weak respiratory musculature) due to hypoventilation with
hypercapnia (elevated CO
Potential side effects
• Elevated intracranial pressure
• Cardiovascular risks
> insufficient oxygen supply to the heart
> venous insufficiency
• Swallowing of air with increased probability
of vomiting and aspiration of vomit
Expiratory pressures above 20 cm H
more of the adverse side effects in patients sensitive to in-
creased transpulmonary pressure.
To lower the noise level of the therapy, close off the body holes
with your hand. Please note that this hand position is only
possible in a stabilized PEP (setting 1).
Use of the RC-Cornet
device may be used in an upright, sitting or standing position.
After you become accustomed to the RC-Cornet
to improve your breathing technique. Breathe in through the
nose, if possible, and after a brief pause, exhale through
Important: The RC-Cornet
volume to produce flow vibrations and oscillations. There-
fore please expel all of your breath through the RC-Cornet
PLUS in order to maximise your therapy outcome.
91_RC-Cornet-PLUS_GBA_Booklet-multilingual_10Auflage_RZ.indd 17
PLUS does not rely on gravity. The
O may cause one or
PLUS uses your full expired air
PLUS, try
EN | 17
03.09.2019 13:33:24