Adjustment, installation of additional reinforcement
Installation tolerances according to offi cial approvals, recommended also for applications as constructive connections.
Gap width:
Regular: 20 mm
Minimum: 10 mm
Maximum: 40 mm
Installation of additional reinforcement:
Additional reinforcement must be installed following the
reinforcement drawing and attached to the structural rein-
Bar B500A, diam. 12 mm
A vertical tolerance of 20 mm maximum is permitted.
Wire binding of loops is not compulsory.
Bar B500A, diam. 10 mm
Stirrup B500A, diam. 8 mm, anchoring acc. DIN 1045-1
Welding on HLB elements is not permitted !
On the construction site
1. Precast
concrete ele-
ment with
closed HLB
2. Remove the HLB Loop Box cover: loosen the
Loop Box.
cover from the concrete as shown. Strike in the
pre-punched hole and pull out the steel cover.
Remove end covers (adhesive tape). If HLB
Spacers are used, they must be removed, using
an appropriate tool (e.g. a carpenters hammer).
© 2015 HALFEN · Inst_HLB 06/15 · www.halfen.com
Alignment of Loop Boxes:
Regular case: Loops aligned axially at the same level
Vertical tolerance: max.: 20 mm
20 mm
3. Setting up the precast
element. All wire loops
must protrude perpendicu-
larly to the joint, and after
defl ection during the set-
ting up they should spring
back into this position.
Assembly Instructions
4. Insert the reinforcement
bar diam. 12 mm and encase
the joint with an appropriate
formwork. Prepare the HLB
MIX joint grout according to
the manufacturers instruc-
tions. The maximum grouting
height is 3,5 m, or use a
hose. HLB MIX joint grout is
free fl owing, no additional
compaction is required.