Integration in radio systems
Activation and integration in radio systems
The radio transmitter of the Q water 5.5 is automatically activated after a
flow of 50 l. Alternatively, the radio transmitter can also be activated by
means of IrDA stick WFZ.PS or by notebook and the Q suite 5.
Q walk-by (mobile data recording)
12 minutes after the radio transmitter has been activated, the Q water 5.5
transmits control telegrams so that a control readout can be carried out after
all devices have been installed. Then the Q water 5.5 transmits regular walk-by
Q AMR (automatic data recording)
After the radio transmitter has been activated, the Q water 5.5 transmits installa-
tion telegrams for integration in the AMR network. Then the Q water 5.5 transmits
regular data telegrams and statistics telegrams depending on the radio mode set.
Parameter-setting possibilities
The parameters for the Q water 5.5 are set using the parameter setting software
Q suite 5. The following settings are just some of those which can be done via
the Q suite 5:
• Switch display levels on and off
• Activation of leak detection and setting of the threshold value for leak
• Setting of the next due date
• Switchover of radio mode (C-mode ↔ S-mode)
• walk-by settings:
- Transmission period
- Transmission-free days (S-mode only)
- Transmission delay (S-mode only)