5 - Initialisation
Proceed as follows to configure the webradio during the first use:
1 -
Place it properly.
2 -
Connect the power cord the an electrical outlet.
3 -
Connect the supplied antenna if you want to receive DAB and FM radio stations.
The setup wizard will launch automatically.
5-1 - Setup wizard
When starting for the first time, the installation wizard invites you
to configure the hour and network parameters.
NOTE : If need to change these settings later on, press the MENU
button, then select System Settings.
Pour relancer l'assistant d'installation, appuyez sur MENU puis
sélectionnez System Settings > Setup wizard.
To launch the setup wizard press Yes.
If you decide to skip these steps, the system will ask you again
the next time you turn on the webradio.
NOTE : If the unit is turned off during the installation process, the
setup wizard will restart the next time you turn on the webradio.
5-2 - Configuring the date and hour
The date and hour can be manually or automatically configured. When configured automatically, the date
and hour will be synchronised via an external server. Using the automatic settings allows a more accurate
5-2-1 - Automatic settings
The automatic configuration are based on information delivered
by DAB/FM stations or Internet. As the date and hour will be set
according to each mode aforementioned, we strongly recommend
to base your settings on the mode you are the most likely to use
The DAB and FM modes use the information delivered by radio
The network mode uses information delivered by the Frontier
Silicon website.