the new
pump generation for
climate-friendly oil burners
The high standard
of insulation of modern
buildings results in a massive
reduction of the heating load.
Simultaneously, solar radiation,
internal heat sources as well as the heat require-
ments due to ventilation have a strong impact on
the thermal balance of the building. The irregular
occurrence of these heat flows leads to strong vari-
ations in the heating load. Another consequence
of the improved heat insulation is that the power
requirements to heat up drinking water increase in
relation to the heating load.
The power requirement to reload the drinking
water deposit in modern residential dwellings is
between one to three times as high as the normal
heating load. Designed for these load relations the
heating system is therefore oversized by two to
three times in relation to the normal heating load.
Especially in case of a low heating load one- and
two-stage burners have a high switching rate.
Consequently, the emission of pollutants and the
wear and tear of the firing system increase.
Therefore, we recommend running the
modern Blue flame burner in a modulating way.
In particular, in case of part-load operation it is
possible to achieve lower exhaust gas tempera-
tures and higher levels of condensate separation.
The resulting energy gain leads to a significant
increase in efficiency of the heating system and
thus fuel savings.
MagnEtically driVEn rEciprocating pUMp (Mdp)
the oil pump Mdp doses the fuel mass flow within the modulation range of 3:1 in a linear and stepless way. in
accordance with the current heating energy demand indicated by the control the stroke frequency is controlled
very precisely. independent from the size of the nozzle, the injected amount of fuel is solely determined by the
stroke frequency. therefore, the pump and not the nozzle, as before, controls the dosing.
the Mdp is available in two performance ranges: 650 to 1950 g/h (Mdp 20) and 1000 to 3000 g/h (Mdp 30).
return spring for
suction stroke
Magnetic drive for
pressure stroke
100 % vented heating oil
pressure valve +
Safety shutoff device pursuant
to din En iSo 23553-1
pressure connection
Measuring connection g 1/8"
two pUMpS in onE
a pre-feed pump with ventilation function and the high pressure pump with dosing function are combined in one
casing. they both have their own direct magnetic drive.
as the dosing function is totally separated from the oil circulation, the pump is not susceptible to inadequate oil
supply systems.
only 100% vented fuel reaches the high pressure pump and with this the pressure outlet. the sucked in air can
fully escape through the return pipe. therefore, even dry suction is possible and causes no problems.
due to the construction the movable parts of the pump are exposed to very low mechanical load. Even very small
fuel remains inside the pump are sufficient to fully lubricate it during dry operation.
ElEctronic control concEpt and diagnoSiS
if there is a frequency signal at the control input of the pump, the electronic system of the pump generates the
corresponding driving voltage for the magnetic drives: both for the prefeed pump which functions at a constant
frequency and the high pressure pump with a variable stroke frequency. the control monitors the correct execu-
tion of every stroke and reports it back. consequently, the Mdp supplies all prerequisites for an electronic fuel/air
ratio control system.
HydraUlic diagnoSiS
to determine the injection pressure and the pressure relations at the suction entrance the relevant measuring
connections are fitted on the pump casing.
Hydraulic connections
connection of suction pipe
connection of pressure pipe
connection of return pipe
Measuring connection of suction pipe
Measuring connection of pressure pipe
constant stroke frequency
Prefeed pump
Heating oil + air
25 Hz
Suction valve
pressure valve
Heating oil + air
Suction valve
15 - 50 Hz
High pressure pump
Variable stroke frequency
virtually backstream-free
g1/8" with sealing surface for copper ring Ø
g1/8" with sealing surface for copper ring Ø
g1/8" with sealing surface for copper ring Ø
g1/8" with sealing surface for copper ring Ø
g1/8" with sealing surface for copper ring Ø
Suction connection
Measuring connection g 1/8"
return connection g 1/8"
return spring for
suction stroke
Magnetic drive for
pressure stroke
= 14,7 mm
= 14,7 mm
= 14,7 mm
= 14,7 mm
= 14,7 mm