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ST20D Pen DO meter Instruction Manual
Thank you for choosing OHAUS waterproof pen Dissolved Oxygen meter ST20D. Please read the manual
completely before use.
First Usage
Take off the membrane part, fill the electrolyte, then turn on the membrane. Warm up the DO pen meter by
turning it on. The meter will turn off automatically after 10 minutes.
Calibration and measurement
After warm up, turn on the meter. Put the ST20D in the air and press the CAL button;
The meter will display "100" and blink under the signal, now the meter is calibrating 100% DO value; after 3 to 5
minutes when the signal is stable, press the Hold/Enter button to finish 100% DO calibration.
Now we have two options:
1. Press the Hold/Enter button to finish 1 point calibration and exit to measurement interface.
Note: Ohaus suggest that only do one point (100%) calibration for ST20D. Do not need perform 2
point (0%) calibration if the sample DO value is not too low (e.g. <1 mg/L).
2. Put the ST20D into the Zero-Oxygen solution. Press the CAL button to do the 0% point calibration, LCD will
display and blink "0" under the signal, after about 3 minutes when the signal is stable, press the Hold/Enter
button to finish 0% calibration.
Zero-Oxygen solution is saturated Na
After calibration, rinse the pen DO tip, then we can measure the sample.
(CAS NO 7757-83-7) solution. Ohaus offer DO zero-oxygen chemical


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour OHAUS ST20D

  • Page 1 (0%) calibration if the sample DO value is not too low (e.g. <1 mg/L). 2. Put the ST20D into the Zero-Oxygen solution. Press the CAL button to do the 0% point calibration, LCD will display and blink "0" under the signal, after about 3 minutes when the signal is stable, press the Hold/Enter button to finish 0% calibration.
  • Page 2: Order Information

    Item NO 30073986 ST20D Polargraphic waterproof pen DO meter Accessory 30222083 Pen Electrode, ST20D 30222084 Membrane part with electrolyte for ST20D 30059257 DO Zero Oxygen Chemical Specification Water Proof Pen DO Meter ST20D Measurement range 0.0 – 19.9 mg/L Resolution 0.1 mg/L...
  • Page 3 Auto temperature compensation range 5~45 ° C (41-122 ° F) Materials *30222049* ©...
  • Page 4: Primer Uso

    (por ejemplo, <1 mg/l). 2. Coloque el ST20D en la solució n de cero oxí geno. Presione el botó n "Cal" para realizar la calibració n de punto 0%, la LCD se mostrará y parpadeará "0" con la señ al; despué s de aproximadamente 3 minutos cuando la señ...
  • Page 5 30073986 agua Accesorio 30222083 Pluma Electrodo, ST20D 30222084 Parte de membrana con electró lito para ST20D 30059257 Quí mico de cero oxí geno de oxí geno disuelto Especificació n Medidor de oxí geno disuelto tipo pluma a ST20D prueba de agua Rango de medició...
  • Page 6 é ó é é í ú í ó é ó í ó é á ó ó ó ó *30222049* ©...
  • Page 7 Remarque : Ohaus suggè re de ne ré aliser qu'un é talonnage à 1 point (100 %) pour le ST20D. Il n'est pas né cessaire de ré aliser un é talonnage à 2 points (0 %) si la valeur de l'é chantillon OD n'est pas trop faible (par exemple, <...
  • Page 8: Maintenance Et Entreposage

    Stylo é tanche à graphique polaire de mesure de l'oxygè ne dissous (OD) Accessoires 30222083 Stylo Électrode, ST20D 30222084 Membrane avec électrolyte pour ST20D 30059257 Produit chimique pour solution zéro-oxygène OD Spé cifications Appareil é tanche de mesure de l'oxygè ne dissous...
  • Page 9 *30222049* ©...
  • Page 10 30073976 30073984 电导测试笔 ST20C-C ORP 测试笔 ST20R 30073977 30073985 多参数测试笔 ST20M-B 多参数测试笔 ST20M-C 30393199 30393200 ST20D 溶氧测试笔产品包装内包括: 1.产品(内含4节纽扣电池) ;2.腕带;3.中英文说明书;4. ST20D 膜套与溶液 技术参数: 1.环境温度: 5~45℃ 钮扣电池 4×1.5V , 10分钟无操作后自动关机 2.电源: 3.防水级别: IP67 参数 ST20D 0.0 – 19.9 mg/L 测量范围 分辨率 0.1 mg/L 精度...
  • Page 11 注: 如样品溶氧含量不太低(如低于 1 mg/L) ,建议仅做 100%点校准即可。不需要做零氧点校准。 零氧点校准: 将溶解氧笔的电极放入饱和亚硫酸钠溶液中,按 [Cal]键 进入零点校准状态, “0”开始闪烁,2-3 分钟后数据稳定,按 [Hold/Enter]键 确定数据,完成零点校准。 测量 校准完成后将溶氧笔清洗后放入被测溶液中,读数稳定后显示的数值即为该溶液的溶氧值。测量结束,长按 [ON/OFF]键 3 秒关闭电源。 维护与存储: 使用完成后要清洗电极,请将膜套旋下,用干净的水清洁电极的内部及膜套,晾干电极后旋好膜套保存。 如显示屏数字不清晰,表示电池电量不足,需更换。装电池时注意正负极。 订购信息: 型号 描述 货号 极谱法防水溶氧测试笔 30073986 ST20D 附件: 30222083 测试笔电极头,ST20D 30222084 膜套可替换组建,ST20D 30059257 零氧试剂(亚硫酸钠粉末) 制造/服务:奥豪斯仪器(常州)有限公司 地址:江苏省常州市河海西路538号22号楼 邮编:213125 服务热线:0519-85287270*3444/3454 销售:奥豪斯国际贸易(上海)有限公司 地址:上海市桂平路680号33幢7楼...
  • Page 12 如有技术变更,恕不另行通知 P/N 30222049 C © 2018 奥豪斯公司版权所有...

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