Sommaire des Matières pour Unique Furniture 41810500
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Siga estas instrucciones atentamente VIGTIGT - Samlevejledningen skal opbevares i arkiv til senere brug - Skal gennemlæses nøje NOTICE – These instructions must be saved for future use – Instructions must be followed Vnr.: 41810500 & 41810509 1 - 8 Rev.:2019.12.11-AB...
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Kære kunde. No./Référence: _____________________________________________________ Her har De muligheden for at måle medsendte beslag. Ursache/Motif/Motivo/Årsag/Reason:_____________________________________ Dear Customer. Below you have the opportunity to messure the Enclosed Hardware. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 41810500 & 41810509 2 - 8...
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UK / US: There are many different types of walls and partitions. We are therefore not able to enclose the correct screws and wall plugs. Before purchasing the appropriate wall plugs and screws, it is essential to find out which type of wall/partition the product needs to be fastened to. Here are some examples of recommended wall plugs/screws for: Es gibt viele verschiedene Wand- und Abtrennungsarten.