❐ Immediately stop your workout if you feel weak or dizzy. In the event of nausea, pain
in the chest or limbs, heart palpation or other symptoms, please immediately contact
a physician.
❐ Take adequate breaks between workouts.
❐ Wear suitable clothing for your workout (e.g. a track suit). It is important that your
clothing is comfortable and breathable.
❐ Never workout on a full stomach. Do not eat at least one hour before and after your
❐ Risk of injury! Do not workout if you are already tired and exhausted.
❐ Always remember that the body needs plenty of liquids when performing physical
activity. You should defi nitely satisfy the body's need for liquids.
❐ Always perform warm-up exercises before beginning your workout (see chapter "Be-
fore your workout") in order to minimise the risk of injury.
❐ After your workout, always perform stretching exercises (see chapter "After your
workout") in order to slowly bring your cardiovascular system back down to a normal
Always remember that your workout can greatly benefi t your health if you
follow the most important rules. The goal is not to perform a few exercises in
a hurry, but to work out regularly over the long term.
You can adjust the angle of incline of the main frame to increase the dif-
fi culty.
1. Assemble the device (see chapter "Before fi rst use", section "Assembling the de-
2. Insert a battery in the workout computer (see chapter "Before fi rst use", section "In-
serting/changing the battery").
3. If you have not already done so, straighten the base and set up the device in a suit-
able area. Make sure that the base has securely locked into place before getting on
the device.
4. Set the workout computer as described in the chapter "Operating the workout com-
5. Adjust the angle of incline for the base and secure it with the safety pin. Please
note: Increasing the angle of incline will increase the diffi culty of your work-
out. We recommend that beginners set a fl at angle of incline and gradually
increase the level of diffi culty.
6. Kneel on the knee pads, use your arms to support
yourself on the padded arm rests and hold onto the