5. The green light does not turn on or blink even though there is a
battery in the slot.
• Loose or bad contact between the battery and the metal plate in the slot
may exist, reinsert the battery properly or gently move or rotate the
battery until good contact is established. If the LED remains off, try
relocating the battery to a different slot to ensure problem is not caused
by the slot. Should the LED still not respond, the battery is dead due to
internal open circuit or chemical / rust deposit at its terminals. Remove
and dispose of the battery thoughtfully. The battery contacts may also be
dirty. Refer to the cleaning section for cleaning procedure.
Charger rejects many batteries. How to verify if it is working
• There are two simple tests to verify if the charger is functioning properly
or not. If it passes the tests below, then the charger is working as it
o Put a NEW (fresh from a packet) AA alkaline battery into the charger.
After a short while, the green light should turn ON constant indicating
the battery is detected as "FULL".
o Put a known good-condition NiMH AA rechargeable battery into the
charger. The green light should be blinking away for at least 10
minutes, indicating that the battery is recognized as "rechargeable"
and charging continues until the battery is fully recharged.