7.10. Fully displayed panel
Fully displayed channel panel graphically shows parameters related to the channel audio
processing function offered by DPM3003 (see paragraph Features).
A fully displayed processing channel panel displays all editable parameters, grouped in sections.
7.10.1. INPUT
Input section contains INPUT SELECT, INPUT GAIN, MUTE and INVERT
parameters plus a level meter graphical display.
INPUT SELECT selects this channel input amongst the available sources.
Options are "Input" or "Signal Gen.". This last one refers to an internally
generated signal through the signal generator controls from the main panel.
INPUT GAIN is made of a fader and a linked numerical value. With this
parameter you can apply a gain up to +12dB or an attenuation up to –84dB to
the selected input signal.
MUTE allows software to mute audio.
INVERT changes the input signal phase (of 180 degrees).
Level meters display the channel input signal level after gain and the output
signal after all processing (when .amiclab-m3 is connected to the hardware). Used
scale is the white printed one on the fader.
If you double click on the channel's name label you will be able to change it: a dialog window
opens to do so). The channel's label is shown on the left hand side of the channel pannel (channel
reduced view) and in its left hand side rack bracket (full channel view).