Message with milk module S400 R
Please top up milk
If the milk level in the milk container in element R falls below a certain point, this mes-
sage will be displayed. All milk and mixed products are blocked until the milk has been
Operating autonomy on a mobile solution
Waste water full
This message will appear when the waste water container is full. The machine blocks
the dispensing of any products until the container has been emptied and put back on
the counter or mobile solution.
This message appears only on machines which are extended by an operational auto-
nomy of waste water containers on a counter or in a mobile solution.
Waste water full / Water empty
The waste water container is full and / or the fresh water container is empty. Always
check both containers when this message is indicated.
This message will appear only if the coffee machine is being operated on a mobile so-
lution, e.g. machine together with containers for fresh and waste water fixed on a truck.
When the machine is operated under these circumstances, the levels in the containers
are supervised by sensors.
Operating Instructions - S400
Operating Instructions - S400
01 Please
top up milk
01 Waste water full
01 Waste water full
Water empty