Car FM Transmitter by Wagan Tech
Support MP3 music playing.
More than 200 channels from 87.5 to 108.0 mhz.
Memory function for song, volume, frequency, and mode.
LED display of frequency/track number.
Infrared remote control
1. Download mp3 files to a U disk, and connect the player with the U disk.
2. The player will be in the state of automatically broadcast, when insert it into
the cigar lighter socket of the automobile.
3. Turn on the car radio, set the radio frequency to the same as the player.
MP3 Airframe Keystroke Operational Specification
1. "CH" button: Press "CH", and then press "PREV/NEXT" immediately (within 2
seconds) to change the frequency.
2. "PREV/NEXT" button: Press "PREV/NEXT" to change the songs; press and
hold "PREV/NEXT" for 2 seconds to change the volume.
3. At pause state, the screen shows the song number, and at playing state it
shows the frequency.