Driving with a Booster
If power consumption exceeds 2.5 A,
the section is overloaded and must be
Warning: The booster and the Z21
Digital Centre must not be operated with
the same transformer or AC adaptor!
Make sure that at the change-over turn-
outs, the tracks have the same polarity
to avoid shortcircuits when driving over
the separating turnouts. Make sure that
powered tracks have no capacitors.
3. Driving with a Booster
When your system turns off frequently without a loco or coach having derailed or in the absence of
a wiring error, as a rule this suggests an overload due too many power consumers. In this case, a
booster (Art. No. 10765) which supplies extra power to the layout via an extra transformer (Art. No.
10718, 10725 or 10850) will help.
Installation is simple:
▶ Subdivide your system into two supply sections having approximately the same power consump-
tion. Separate the tracks on both sides using insulated rail connectors (Art. No. 42611, 61192,
6433 or 9403) or separator tracks.
▶ Attach a power supply element to the new supply section (e.g. geoLine Art. No. 61190) or another
separator track and connect it to the "Track Out" socket of the booster.
▶ Now connect the booster to its transformer.
▶ Connect the "Booster In" socket on the booster with the "B Bus" socket of the Z21 Digital Centre.
Use the dedicated cable supplied with the booster for this purpose. A detailed cabling diagram is
found on Page 47.
You can connect up to three more boosters to the "Booster Out" socket of the booster when neces-
sary. If more than four boosters are needed for your layout, a brake generator (Art. No. 10779) must
be connected in place of the fourth booster. Up to four more boosters can then be connected to the
"Booster Out" socket.