After the normal startup of the system is completed, you can see the
Android4.0 desktop (below). The default desktop is consisted by quick
search icon, status bar, menu label icon,etc.
Après le démarrage vous arrivez dans l'interface d'Android 4.0. Cette
interface est constituée des principaux raccourcis.
The status bar is used to display the network status of current system,
battery power, time and other information.
Quick search box is used by typing keywords to do the Internet search. The
main menu tag is in the right middle side of the screen, tap it and the default
menu bar can be expanded.
Keys used in Android systems process:
The volume keys: «Volume +», «Volume -» on the shell can be used for
Volume change.
The power button: press long time for switching machine. Press quickly to
enter or leave the state of dormancy.
The key «Menu»: display the current form of the menu item.
The key «Home»: return or select the main interface.
The key «Retour»: return to the last desktop.