


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E.5

  • Page 2: Programmable Buttons

    Programmable Buttons There are 21 programmable buttons on your S.T.R.I.K.E.5 Keyboard: 4 on the Side module 3 on the thumb rest 5 on around the arrow keys 9 on the Command Module На вашей клавиатуре S.T.R.I.K.E.5 доступна 21 программируемая кнопка: 4 на...
  • Page 3 TEST l’un des boutons de mode du module de commande. Pour plus d’informations sur la programmation, consultez la page de support du logiciel ST et le site web de Mad Catz. ACTIVATE PROFILE Esta página le permite asignar comandos de macro del teclado a cualquiera de los 21 botones programables en su S.T.R.I.K.E.5.
  • Page 4 Smart Technology – Settings Page The settings page allows you to customize the RGB backlight colour for each of the three keyboard modes. Click one of the mode colour indicators to bring up a colour swatch. Click the Sliders tab to alter the RGB values independently. Click the apply button to confirm your choice.
  • Page 5 Smart Technology - Launcher Page Games, Programs and Websites can be launched from the Launcher App on the E.Y.E display. To add a game, click an available icon slot, then click an icon from the list. Click the apply button to confirm your choice. In addition you can browse your computer for other games and programs that are not listed.
  • Page 6: Audio Connections

    PRODUCT SETTINGS PROGRAMMING LAUNCHER SUPPORT SHOW STARTUP TIPS PAGE DOWNLOAD DRIVERS AND SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD GAME PROFILES READ PROGRAMMING MANUAL CONTACT US BLOG Get your F.R.E.Q. on Driver Version - SELECT LANGUAGE Software Version - Smart Technology – Support Page Audio Connections The support page, allows you to access the software manual, drivers and software and Plug the additional audio pass through jacks to your soundcard in order to connect a...
  • Page 7 Palm Rest The palm rest has two height settings. Squeeze the retaining clip to move the rest from flat to elevated. Profile Modes Упор для ладони имеет две настройки высоты. Сожмите фиксатор, чтобы изменить положение упора с ровного на приподнятое. Use the Mode buttons to select one of three modes per programming profile.
  • Page 8 Media Buttons Master Illumination Button Quick access buttons allow you to mute main system volume and control media playback. Pressing this button will toggle backlighting on and off. C помощью горячих кнопок можно выключать основной звук системы и управлять Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы включить или выключить подсветку. воспроизведением...
  • Page 9 Windows Key Lock Button E.Y.E Operation This button will toggle the Windows key functionality on and off. Green = On, Red = Off. Press the up and down arrows to cycle the functions of the E.Y.E display. Rotate the bezel to alter details on the current function.
  • Page 10 E.Y.E Operation Program Launcher Les flèches vers le haut et vers le bas vous permettent de parcourir les fonctions de Use Smart Technology (ST) to assign up to 12 program or website icons to be launched l’affichage E.Y.E. Vous pouvez modifier les informations sur la fonction actuelle en from the E.Y.E.
  • Page 11 Program Launcher System Volume Smart Technology (ST) vous permet d’affecter 12 icônes de programmes ou de sites Web Rotate the bezel to adjust volume level in increments of 5. Press the left and right arrows to fine tune the volume in increments of 1. afin de pouvoir les lancer à...
  • Page 12: Backlight Brightness

    Microphone Volume Backlight Brightness Rotate the bezel to adjust volume level in increments of 5. Press the left and right arrows Rotate the bezel to adjust keyboard backlight brightness. Press the left and right arrows to fine tune the brightness in increments of 1. to fine tune the volume in increments of 1.
  • Page 13: Stopwatch

    Timers Stopwatch Rotate the bezel to adjust countdown time. Press the right arrow to start and stop a timer. Press the right arrow to start and stop a timer. Press the left arrow to reset the timer. Press the left arrow to reset the timer. Чтобы...
  • Page 14 Clock This function shows the system time of your computer. Эта функция отображает системное время вашего компьютера. Mithilfe dieser Funktion wird die Systemzeit Ihres Computers angezeigt. Cette fonction affiche l’heure du système de votre ordinateur. Esta función muestra la hora del sistema de su equipo.
  • Page 15 Reino Unido (UK). Mad Catz, S.T.R.I.K.E. y el logotipo de Mad Catz son marcas comerciales o marcas comerciales registradas de Mad Catz Interactive, Inc., sus subsidiarias y afiliados. La forma y el diseño de este producto es la imagen de marca de Mad Catz Interactive, Inc., sus subsidiarias y afiliados.

Table des Matières