LOCK/ALARM - Instructions
When the Lock/Alarm is to be used as a portable security device, it can be used freestanding by simply passing the cable through your possessions and
then around a suitable fixed securing point. Alternatively the Lock/Alarm unit can be attached directly onto the item to be secured (using one of the
brackets supplied) and then the cable passed around a strong secure point to lock the item up.
Where the Lock/Alarm is to be used in a permanent location, it is advised the Lock/Alarm unit be mounted to a solid object, for example a wall, floor, or
post, using one of the brackets supplied. For wall or floor mounting, use the black bracket provided. Alternatively, use the red U bracket to attach the
Lock/Alarm to a narrow post or rail, or on a tubular section of a bicycle or piece of machinery. Where Lock/Alarm is to be used regularly in a very wet
environment, it is advisable to position in a sheltered location and/or cover the main unit with a clear plastic bag to prolong battery life and product life.
(a) Lift up the red cable clamp on the Lock/Alarm unit (you may find this easier if you press the centre of the flat surface of the clamp with your
thumb whilst at the same time pulling the clamp open with your other fingers) and unwrap the cable to reveal the front cover release tabs
(see diagram below).
(b) Ensure the key is in the unlocked (vertical) position and remove the front cover of the unit by pressing in the top or bottom release tab
(you will need to use a screwdriver to do this) and pulling the cover away from the base at the same time.
(c) Remove the red battery cover and fit a high quality 9 volt ALKALINE battery. Replace battery cover and tighten screws.
(d) Refit the front cover of the Lock/Alarm unit (ensure the key remains in the fully unlocked position as you do this) ensuring that BOTH
release tabs click FULLY back into place.
(e) Your Lock/Alarm is now ready to use. Please now refer to the "Using the Lock/Alarm" section overleaf.
Fitting the Lock/Alarm using the wall bracket
1. Position the flat side of the bracket against the flat surface to
which you wish to fix the Lock/Alarm unit.
2. Use the wall bracket to mark out the holes on the surface it is
to be attached to.
3. For brick and concrete use a 1/4" (6mm) diameter drill and insert
the plastic plugs supplied. For wood use a 1/8" (3mm) diameter
drill (plugs not required).
4. Follow step (a) in the 'Installing the battery' section
5. Secure the wall bracket using the smaller screws through the
holes at either end of the bracket (ie. the non bossed holes) into
the holes you have drilled. Using the long screws supplied, fix
the lock/alarm unit through the wall bracket and into the holes you
have drilled (See diagram). Tighten all screws used with a screwdriver, ensuring you do not over tighten and distort the metal chassis.
6. Follow steps (b) to (e) in the 'Installing the battery' section. If battery is already installed then omit step (c).
Alternative Fitting - using the U bracket
1. Following steps (a) & (b) 'Installing Battery' section overleaf, remove the front cover of the Lock/Alarm unit.
2. Position the red U bracket around the tubing onto which the unit is to be mounted. To protect the tube from scratching, wrap adhesive tape around
the tube first.
3. Slot the rear of the Lock/Alarm unit onto the U bracket legs. Make sure the fit between the U bracket and the Lock/Alarm unit is tight before
screwing together. If there is space between the tube and the Lock/Alarm unit, pack out using adhesive tape.
4. Using the shorter of the screws provided, fix the unit onto the U bracket by locating the screws through the holes in the metal chassis in the
Lock/Alarm and into the U bracket legs. Take care not to over tighten.
5. Following steps (c) & (d) in the 'Installing Battery' section, fit battery and replace the front cover of the unit.
1. Guide the steel cable around the item(s) you are protecting and finish with the end of the cable back at the Lock/Alarm unit. If Lock/Alarm
is freestanding or attached onto the item, the cable ideally needs to be passed also around a fixed object eg. a post or a railing.
2. Raise the hinged flap which covers the lock hole on the front of the Lock/Alarm unit (you may need to release the red cable clamp first in
order to lift the flap). Insert the steel end of the cable into this hole (make sure that it goes in all the way - you may have to use gentle force
to do this when the product is new) and turn the key to lock it in position - you have just locked the cable and set the alarm.
3. Any excess cable can be wrapped around the body of the Lock/Alarm unit and clamped tight using the red cable clamp. Alternatively, the
extra cable can be wrapped around a solid object eg. a post, before being locked into position.
4. To test the alarm prior to use turn the key to the locked position without inserting the cable into the lock - the alarm siren should sound
within a few seconds. If it doesn't then you should change the battery
Alarm doesn't sound or only makes a "clicking" sound when activated Check you have a high quality Alkaline battery installed (eg. Duracell or Energizer). Check battery life.
When key is turned with the cable inserted in lock hole the alarm sounds Ensure cable is inserted all the way into the lock hole. Sometimes, particularly when new, the cable
requires gentle force to fit into the hole.You may also need to hold the cable in the lock hole at the same time as turning the key.
Email support@lockalarm.com or check the website www.lockalarm.com for more troubleshooting hints.
Disclaimer: LOCK/ALARM has been designed as a deterrent to theft. The manufacturer/supplier cannot accept any liability for personal injury, property damage or loss.
Installing the Battery