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Instruction Manual | Mode d’ e mploi | Manual de Instrucciones *Accessories shown for MaxDrill Duo Les accessoires montrés pour MaxDrill Duo seulement | Accesorios mostrados para MaxDrill sólamente MaxDrill Series Compact & Portable Multifunctional Capable Compact et portable Capable multifonctions Compacto y portátil Multifuncional capaz Effortless Riveting...
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Safety Information / Consignes De Sécurité / Informacion de Securidad Read instructions carefully before operating riveter and save them for future reference • Keep out of reach of children. • Wear safety glasses when operating tool. • Watch out for potential hazards such as electrical wires. •...
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Blind Rivet Instructions | Instructions de rivet | Instrucciones de remache Assembly instruction | Instructions de montage | Instrucciones de ensamblaje Fig 3 Direction of assembly Nosepiece Sleeve Seat for Jaw Case Adapter Return Housing Blind Rivets Assembly Screw Spring Please install the accessories for rivet function as shown in [Fig 3] and ensure the set screw pushes firmly on the Jaw Case Asembly as shown in [Fig 4]...
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1. Montage de l’adaptateur sur la perceuse [Fig 5] 2. Bien tenez l’adaptateur riveteuse d’une main et tournez la perceuse dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d’ u ne montre jusqu’à ce qu’ u n <clic> son est entendu [Fig 6] 3.
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Fig 13 Fig 14 Fig 16 Mandrel Tip of Mandrel Rivet Clearance ~3/16” (4-6mm) Fig 15 Fig 17 • Install the adaptor onto the power drill • Hold the adaptor and engage the drill in counterclockwise rotation to extend the mandrel. [Fig 13] •...
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Parts Diagram | Schéma des Pièces | Diagrama de Partes Model Guide: Part Number MaxDrill R 103-MD200 1-16, 23, 24 MaxDrill N 103-MD201 1-9, 17-24 MaxDrill Duo 103-MD202 1-24 Manual-MaxDrill.indd 6 10/23/2018 1:00:26 AM...
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Part # Description Part Description Housing 10P-MD-01 Jaw Pusher 10P-MD-13 Retaining Collar 10P-MD-02 Jawcase Spring 10P-MD-14 Thrust Bearing 10P-MD-03 Jawcase Screw 10P-MD-15 Screw Drive 10P-MD-04 Rivet Nosepiece Details below Retaining Ring 10P-MD-05 Sleeve Seat for Rivet Nuts 10P-MD-17 Adapter 10P-MD-06 Washer M12 10P-MD-18 Track Pin (3pieces/set)