Gb General Information; Operational Description; Installation; Warning - Techno Control SE193K Manuel D'utilisation

Table des Matières


Eemaldage anduri kate. Kalibreerimist saab läbi viia kahel erineval meetodil.
Esimene meetod eeldab voolutugevuse (mA) mõõtmist. Ühendage multimeeter (skaala 20 mA) jadamisi terminaali "S"
külge (joonis 1). Pöörake tähelepanu, et kui juhe on lahti ühendatud, näitab gaasi tuvastaja "FAULT" veaolukorda.
Teine meetod eeldab voolutugevusele 4-20 mA vastava pinge (mV) mõõtmist. Ühendage tester (skaala 200 mV)
klemmide TP1(+) ja TP2(-) (TEST) külge. Et leida mV väärtus, piisab mA väärtuse 10-ga korrutamisest.
"4 mA kalibreerimine" kontrollib, et puhat õhu tingimustes näitab tester 4 mA (±0,1). Vajadusel
reguleerige väärtust potentsiomeetri P2 asendit muutes kuni vajalik määr on saavutatud.
"SKAALA muutmine" selleks, et kontrollida ja/või kalibreerida seadet, kasutage
näidisballooni selle gaasi / õhu seguga, millega seda on varem kalibreeritud.
Ühendage näidis gaasiballoon (joonis 2) voolumõõtjaga, määrake voolu
kiiruseks 0,15-0,3 l/min, oodake 3 minutit ja kontrollige, kas testeri näit vastab sellele:
Näide: et kontrollida tuvastaja mudel SE193KG butaani kalibreeringut, kui
kontrollnumber gaasiballoonil näitab 0,29%v/v (=19,5%LEL) ja tuvastaja
koguskaala on 0,3%v/v, on vastuseks: 19,46 (tolerants ±0,5mA). Vajadusel
muutke potentsioneeter P1 asendit kuni saavutatud on see väärtus.
The models series SE193K, is a three-wire 4÷20mA linear transmitters able to detect combustible gases employing
a catalytic sensor calibrated up to 20% LEL to Methane or LPG.
The instrument comprises of a certified enclosure in which the electronic circuit and the connecting terminals are
mounted. This unit has a downward facing cylindrical section housing the sensor behind a sintered stainless steel
flame trap.
The SE193K are normally connected to the TECNOCONTROL gas detecting central systems for heating plants, as
shown in the Table on


The catalytic sensor is practically insensitive to humidity and temperature variations. The sensor being designed to
detect flammable gases and the calibration is carried out with the specific gas to be detected. Anyway, it can con-
temporaneously detect any other flammable gas that should be present in the same environment.
When powered, the sensor needs a time of preliminary heating of about 30 seconds.
After this period, the sensor is able to detect gas even if it attains the optimum stability conditions after about 48
hours continual functioning.
Therefore, after that time we advise to check in clean air the "4mA" output. If is necessary "4mA calibration" can be
carried out as explained on page 4. This calibration is necessary to adjust the sensor to the environment condi-
Faults: In case of sensor damage, the "S" output falls down to 0mA (FAULT). The signal is then indicated as a
damage situation.
All this happens also when an interruption to the connection wires between the sensor and the detector occur.
Average life: The sensitive element used in this detector has an excellent stability in time. In fresh air and in nor-
mal working condition the sensor's life is about 5 years from the date of installation.
Periodical testing: we advise to carry out working tests every 6-12 months. After 2 year, we advise to proceed to
the recalibration of the circuit with Gas/Air mixture as explained on
Attention: please note that in polluted environments, where vapours of flammable agents, especially
solvents, might be present, the periodical testing and recalibrations should be carried out at shorter time
intervals. In polluted environments, the sensor's life can be reduced.


The detector must be accurately installed according to all the national dispositions in force on the safety of the
plants and installation of electric devices in areas with danger of explosion.
Positioning: the SE193K must be installed in vertical position and the sensor must be downward.
Electric connections: are to be carried out using the three-pole terminal (See special instructions enclosed with
the gas detectors). It is not necessary to use shielded cables.
The transmitters can be placed at a max. distance of 100 meters from the gas detector when 3x1.5mm
used, and 200 meters with 3x2.5 mm


Calibration is carried out with gas. Absolutely trimmer P3 must not be tampered with. The calibration routine is to
be carried out by trained or authorised personnel only. As an alternative, it is advised to check the calibration with-
out operating on the trimmers, and in case the values are not the required ones please apply to our Laboratory.
KG Kaup OÜ ... Reg. nr. 12405452 ... Peterburi tee 53-202 11415 Tallinn ... ... +372 52 67 270
Kasutusjuhend / User's Manual / Manuel d'utilisation
16 x %v/v gaasiballoon
%v/v tuvastaja koguskaala
page 4.
Lk. 3 / 6
mV =
mA x
cables are


Table des Matières

Table des Matières