You use this key to adjust the sensitivity of the keys.
Depending on the user's feeling, you can set the
keyboard for "lighter" or "harder" activation.
The sensitivity setting takes place by pressing the
key. With each touch, the LED status bar increases
by two LEDs; this means an increase in the level of
sensitivity. When all eight LEDs are lit up, the highest
sensitivity level has been reached. Please wait
until the LEDs stop flashing and do not touch the
keyboard while this is taking place. The device then
adopts this setting.
You use the "volume" key to change the acoustic
signal when operating the keys. For this purpose, the
length of the sound signal is changed, which is then
perceived differently. Touch the key; each time that
you touch it, the LEDs on the status bar will increase.
When all eight LEDs are lit up, the sound frequency
is highest; the sound is switched off with one LED.
Please wait until the LEDs stop flashing. The device
then adopts this setting.