2. Charging your J Well
1. Charge fully before fi rst use.
2. Always make sure to completely drain battery
before recharging.
3. To ensure a good connection, clean the thread on
both the battery and clearomizer before charging and using.
4. Screw battery into the USB charger to charge.
5. While charing, the indicator light on the usb will be
red. When fully charged, the indicator light on the usb
charger will turn green.
To charge the battery, gently screw the battery into
the USB charger and plug USB cable into a computer.
Battery should fl ash to show it is being charged. The
light on the USB charger is red in the process and turns
green when the battery gets fully charged.
You should use only the dedicated USB charger provided
to avoid damaging battery. Use the high voltage USB port
to charge battery properly. Charge the battery fully
before using to maintain a good battery life.
3. Operating your J Well
1. Click the button 5 times rapidly to lock and
2. Wait for the light to fl ash 3 times to indicate
battery is locked or unlocked.
3. Hold clearomizer at a 45 degree angle for
easy pour.
4. Do not put e-liquide in the center of the
5. Allow e-liquide to settle for about 30 seconds
before attaching battery.
6. Wipe all excess liquid from clearomizer before
screwing onto battery.
7. Press button and inhale to use.
Refi lling
1. Unscrew the bottom like the picture A.
2. Fill the tube with e-liquide (image B) without
exceeding the maximum level.
3. Screw the bottom in the clearomizer (image C).