GETTING STARTED - tips & tricks
BEFORE STARTING: please ensure that the container is at least 50% full.
Do not use the oilSPRAY gun without material or spray until completely empty. This
avoids creating unnecessary noise & vibration and prevents splatter.
Always use clean material that is free of particles.
The oilSPRAY gun is designed to spray only pure fluids. Please avoid materials
containing seeds or any type of particles as they may restrict piston movement and
shorten the sprayer`s life. In case of doubts regarding any particles, filtering of the
material is recommended.
Optimum spraying
To enable a light and even covering, the oilSPRAY gun has been specifically
configured to spray around 1.2 to 1.8 grams per second, dependent upon the oil
thickness and temperature. 500 ml can provide a maximum coverage of light oil of
12 - 16 m², or 10 - 12 m² with a thicker coating. A light coverage can be achieved with
one pass, using a surface pattern of about 10 cm, sprayed approximately 30 cm away
from the surface.
Before starting, turn the power knob completely to the left. This is the maximum
power setting and after a few seconds will create sufficient suction to spray the
material. Adjust the power knob as required until the sprayer demonstrates a fine
spray and makes an even tone.
Maintain a constant distance and smooth movement.
Avoid shaking the gun or sharp movements as this will cause droplets.
Varying the speed of arm movement, the height and number of coatings will vary
the effect and thickness of sprayed material.
It is recommended to start and stop the sideways movement off the product and
only press the power button when over the product. This helps reduce the volume
being sprayer at the turning point.
The supplied R4 round nozzle is the most suitable for working with thin materials
like vegetable oil, but the R6 and R8 can also be used for a wider distribution. For
higher viscosity materials such as butter fat, the R4 or R6 provide the best results.
• If you want to spray upwards i.e. from below, you may rotate the nozzle extension
- however - only rotate in a clockwise direction (when viewed from the front),
otherwise you will loosen the nozzle extension. The easiest method of adjusting the
nozzle direction is from the right side; hold the pump housing firmly with your left
hand and move the nozzle extension with your right hand.