Getting Connected: GPRS/3G
ne the right settings for the account.
1. Touch
2. On the accounts screen, touch and hold the email account
you want to change.
3. Touch Account settings.
4. Change General settings, Notification settings, Server
settings or Messages storage settings.
gettINg CONNeCteD: GPRS/3G
Your mobile phone will be automatically configured to use your
wireless service provider's GPRS/3G/EDGE service (if available)
when you turn on the phone for the first time. Note that the SIM
card must be inserted.
Checking the network Connection
1. Touch
2. Touch Wireless & networks > Mobile networks.
3. Select SIM1 or SIM2.Touch Network Mode to check the
network connection.
Your mobile phone will automatically read the access point of
the SIM card. For this reason, do not change the parameters of
the access point; otherwise, you might not be able to access
network sources.
turning on the data service
1. Touch
2. Touch Wireless & networks > Mobile networks.
3. Select SIM1 or siM2.Touch the Data enabled check box to
turn on the data connection.
> Email.
> Settings.
> Settings.