5. Anhydrite Screed (0-1.9% CM)
This scale is used to measure the moisture content of Ascreed. The displayed value is an
approximate value that can be also determined using the Carbide Method (CM).
6. Caisson 0.3-15.3 Scale (0.3-15.3m)
Scale works in a similar way as the Relative with a range from 0.3 til 15.3m.
7 . Relative Scale 0-100%
Relative scale may be used in humidity level comparison of various materials. Obtained results
should not be interpreted as percentage content of water in tested surfaces. There is no linear
correlation between the outcomes and relative humidity. The scale should be used only as
comparison technique. Scale may be used on the surfaces where direct contact with pure concrete is
impossible because of some layer/covering.
8. Wood type Scale into % Wood moisture Measurement of wood moisture for 12 wood varieties
- only in conjunction with the PP 05 electrode
9. Resistance measurement Ohm – Scale Resistance measurement via 3.5 mm jack connection
- only in conjunction with the resistance measurement set
5. Modes & Functions
Normal Mode
The main measuring method of VI-D4 meter is Normal mode. In this setting the measured
value is refreshed continuously.
Max. Hold mode
If the measured area is not easily reachable and it is impossible to read the value while
measuring, the Max. Hold mode may be used. After choosing that mode the measured value
is not refreshed continuously. The meter will show only the highest value gained from numerous
Caution: Even single touching of sensor plate or electrodes during this mode will cause a highly
inaccurate outcome. That in turn will result in the need of repeating the whole measurement process.
The measurement in that set may be repeated by switching the mode into Normal and then into
Max.Hold again.
Auto turn-off
In order to maximize batteries lifetime, the meter automatically turns off after 12 minutes.
This function is always active and can't be switched off.
Wolff GmbH & Co KG | D-74360 Ilsfeld | Ungerhalde 1 | Fon: +49 (0)7062-91556-0 | Fax: +49 (0)7062-91556-41 |