About the odor sensor
The odor sensor primarily detects the odors of cigarettes, pets and cosmetic products.
・ The odor sensor may react to the gas and alcohol contents of a spray, as well as changes in temperature and
humidity. Furthermore, the sensor may not react depending on the components of the odor.
・ The odor sensor initializes for about five minutes after the power cord is connected, and the appliance is unable to
make accurate detections during that time. Wait for a moment and see whether the odor indicator changes to a
different color. It is also recommended to connect the power cord when the air in the room is clean (free of
cigarette smoke, etc), since the appliance uses the conditions of the air during the initialization process as a basis
for its operation.
・ The odor sensor makes a relative detection of the conditions of the air in the room. If the intensity of an odor does
not vary even when the odor is strong, the sensor may not react to this odor for that reason.
Photocatalytic lamp
Illumination level sensor
Odor indicator