How to control Your modEl
If the wheels operate in the opposite direction, operate the servo reverse switch (ST in position NOR).
Forward / spEEd up position
transmittEr adjustmEnt
Throttle Trim is used to accurately adjust the Forward /
Backward neutral.
Steering Trim is used to slightly trim the front wheels steering.
Note: If the front wheels are not straight when the trigger is
set at Neutral position, you can adjust the steering.
brakE / spEEd down position
nEutral position
notice : please keep the
transmitter and receiver from
over 40cm distance away,
when you operate the unit.
Steering Servo Reverse
Throttle Servo Reverse
Steering Dual/Rate
Steering Trim
Throttle Dual/Rate
Throttle Trim
i f y o u a r e a r e v e r s e
operator, set the steering
and / or throttle switch to
rEV. Position first.
rEcEivEr and sErvo connEction
low battErY alarm
If the transmitter battery voltage drops below 4.5V an alarm will
sound and LOW BT will be displayed on the LCD screen. The low
battery alarm is meant to be a safety feature only. Do NOT operate
your radio below 9V. Always shut your radio off as soon as possible
after the low battery warning tone to avoid loss of control.
tHE sEttinG oF rEcEivEr
witH Fail saFE pErFormancE
1. Please press the TH, ST switch of transmitter to the normal
control position. Turn on the transmitter and turn on the
receiver at the same time, the LED on the receiver will be
bright all the time.
2. The LED on the receiver becomes fast flashing if you press
the F/S SET.
3. Put the transmitter's throttle wheel to the brake degree
which you want, press the F/S SET on the receiver, the red
LED will be bright all the time, then the setting is over.
4. Please put the throttle
wheel on the neutral
position when you use
it on the electric car.
5. The vehicle will
stay on neutral
(no speeding up,
no braking) when
you close the
Connect to motor
Connect to
Power Switch
Steering Servo