Always hold the tool straight on the bolt to
be tightened .
The best method to determine the right im-
pacting/tightening duration is by means of a
trial . For small screws, the right impacting/
tightening duration can be reached in less
than 0 .5 Sec . Therefore, work with low RPM
and switch the tool off immediately when the
screw is tight and the impacting sound can
be heard .
For screwing larger, longer wood screws into
hard material, pre-drilling is the best method .
Tightening Torque
The tightening torque depends on the dura-
tion of the impacting/tightening action .
The largest tightening torque is achieved af-
ter approx . 6 to 10 Sec . impacting/tightening
action .
The torque build-up depends on the follow-
ing factors:
• Hardness of the bolts/nuts .
• Type of washer (disk washer, spring wash-
er, seal) .
• Hardness of the material to be joined .
• Lubricating effect at the surfaces of the
junction .
This leads to the following application cases:
Hard joining application: The joining of met-
al to metal with a disk washer . The maximum
torque is reached after a relative short im-
pacting/tightening action .
Medium joining application: The joining of
metal to metal when using spring ring wash-
er, disk spring washer, stud bolts or bolts/
nuts with conical seats .
Soft joining application: The joining of e .g .
metal to wood or insulation material .
For middle or soft joining cases, the maxi-
mum tightening torque is less than for hard
cases . Therefore, a longer impacting/tighten-
ing action is necessary to arrive at the maxi-
mum tightening torque .
Fastening with Screws
The procedure shown in (Fig . 10) will help to
fasten ma terials together with your tool and
will reduce the possibility of stripping, split-
ting or separating the material .
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Operating Instructions
page heading
1. Drill 2/3 diameter and
First, clamp the pieces together and drill the
first hole 2/3 the diam eter of the screw . If
the material is soft, drill only 2/3 the proper
length . If it is hard, drill the entire length .
Second, unclamp the pieces and drill the
second hole the same diameter as the screw
shank in the first or top piece of wood .
Third, if flat head screw is used, countersink
the hole to make the screw flush with the sur-
face . Then, simply apply even pressure when
driving the screw . The screw shank clearance
hole in the first piece allows the screw head
to pull the pieces tightly together .
Driving Nuts and Bolts
Use variable speed control with caution for
driving nuts and bolts with socket attach-
ments . The technique is to start slowly, in-
creasing speed as the nut or bolt runs down .
The nut or bolt is set when the socked comes
to a stop .
Note: Ensure that no metal particles enter
the power tool . After working at a low speed
for an extended period, you should operate
the power tool at the maximum speed for
approximately three minutes without load to
cool it down .
Cold Weather Use (32°F)
Due to the lubrication used in the impacting
mechanism, the tool should be ran for three
minutes at no load prior to actual usage . This
will warm the lubricant and provide better
performance .
2/3 of screw length for
soft materials, full
length for hard
Apply a slight
even pressure
when driving
2. Drill same
diameter as
screw shank.
3. Countersink
same diameter
as screw head.
Fig. 10
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