AUX Alarm
The AUX alarm can be switched on and off here.
AUX logic
NOTE! Non-isolated contacts can cause damage to the control
Only potential-free digital contacts such as rain sensors, ex-
ternal interlocks with other pumping stations or RCD switch
auxiliary contacts may be connected to the Aux input.
The switching logic can be selected as NC contact or NO con-
NOTE! Locked pumps also start with a high water alarm.
AUX influence
"Aux influence" can be used to select whether an alarm switch-
es off one or both pumps ("P1 OFF, "P2 OFF" or "Both OFF") or
does not have any effect ("None"). In either case, the triggered
alarm appears in the display and activates the potential-free
and non-isolated alarm relays as soon as the pre-set alarm de-
lay time has expired.
Direction of rotation check
Monitoring of the rotational direction can be activated in this
menu. An alarm is triggered if a phase failure or if an anticlock-
wise rotating field is detected.
Options "On" and "Off".
This function is activated as standard and does not need to be
deactivated when supplied with AC power.
Buzzer reactivation
After a buzzer acknowledgement, the alarm is automatically
reactivated if the fault persists for another 4 / 8 / 12 hours. Fac-
tory default setting: 4 hours.
External relay
This menu item is enabled when the optional module for indi-
vidual fault messages DO2 or DO6 is connected.
For each relay it is selected whether operating current or qui-
escent current principle and which faults trigger the relay.
Current limit
In this menu, the maximum motor current can be entered. This
value will be compared with the measured motor current. If
the measured motor current is higher than the entered maxi-
mum motor current, the motor is switched off depending on a
simulated time-current characteristic of the motor protection
Setting the next maintenance reminder after 90/180/365 days
or OFF.
Additional input possibility of the last maintenance, format
DD.MM.YYYY. The input is only an information text and has no
influence on switching functions.
Setting the menu language German, English, Finnish, French,
Dutch, Italian, Polish or Swedish.
P2 for peak load
Setting option On / Off
When "ON", the pump at rest is switched on when the peak load
level is reached.
When "OFF", the pump switches once to the idle pump when
the peak load level is reached.
ATEX mode
Must be deactivated for Compli.
Adjust current
Only for the manufacturer' s Customer Service.
Sensor calibration
For readjustment, fill the container (fill level of the respective
type see appendix) and then select this menu item "Sensor
Calibration is performed automatically when 20s have elapsed
or the OK button is pressed. The calibration can be aborted by
pressing the acknowledge button prematurely.
Keylock setting
All settings and the operating mode selection Manual-0-Auto-
matic can be locked. The lock is automatically activated after
one minute.
• Key lock off (remove all locks)
• Unlock key: to unlock, press the acknowledgement button
for at least 3 seconds
• Unlock password: enter password to unlock
Change password
The password for the setting menu can be changed here; the
factory setting is 3197.
Backlight setting
Auto OFF- Backlighting is switched off after 1 minute
Always ON - Backlighting is always ON.
Display contrast
The contrast can be changed using the bar display.